To obtain the quality of PhD supervisor, it is necessary to obtain the habilitation certificate. Its granting is proposed by the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU) [link] and is approved via the order of the Minister of Education. For more information see: Pentru mai multe informații vezi:
- Order no. 5229/2020 on the Methodologies approval regarding the granting of the habilitation certificate, the granting of the PhD title, as well as solving the complaints regarding non-compliance with quality or professional ethics standards, including the existence of plagiarism [link].
- Regulations for empowerment and granting of the quality of PhD supervisor with IOSUD – UPB [link].
- Webpage of the Council for University Doctoral Studies (CSUD) – UPB [link].
To obtain the habilitation certificate and exercising the quality of PhD supervisor within SD-ETTI, it is necessary to cover the following steps:
I. Writing of the habilitation thesis
The habilitation thesis must develop on the following key aspects:
- The main original scientific results published/patented, or the public professional achievements made by the candidate, obtained after the conferment of the doctoral title, in the targeted doctoral field.
- The evolution of the academic, scientific and professional career, as well as the main directions of its development, in the global context of the significant scientific achievements in the specialized field of the author.
- The individual ability of the candidate to coordinate research teams, to organize and manage teaching activities, to explain and facilitate learning and research.
- Independent development of the candidate’s future research and/or university career.
There is no formal format required for this. The writing can be done in Romanian, in which case it will be accompanied by a summary in English, or in a language of wide international circulation, in which case it will be accompanied by a summary in Romanian. An example of a habilitation thesis based on the French model (HDR) is available here [link]. Also, the guidelines elaborated by the Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications Committee within the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU) are available here [link].
II. Preparing the habilitation dossier
The candidate assembles a dossier that will accompany the application for the habilitation exam within UPB. It contains the following documents:
- Application addressed to the UPB’s Rector for the habilitation thesis defense in which one specifies the doctoral field in which the candidate wants the habilitation, according to the following model [link].
- The sheet for fulfilling the minimum habilitation standards, established by the Specialized Commission of CNATDCU, in the field of the habilitation thesis.
- Portfolio (list) of scientific papers, considered relevant by the candidate, which are integrated to a scientific subdomain (to be clearly specified) in which the candidate has made important contributions, which is part of the field of doctoral studies the candidate wants to qualify.
- A selection of scientific articles considered by the candidate to be the most relevant, in extenso. Minimum 5 and maximum 10 articles.
- The complete list of published articles of the candidate, signed by the candidate on each page.
- The candidate’s CV in standard Europass format, signed by the candidate on each page.
- Declaration on the candidate’s own responsibility regarding the originality of the work in the portfolio.
- The doctoral diploma or the certificate of recognition or equivalence of the doctoral diploma obtained abroad, in a copy according to the original.
- Copy of the identity document(s) and proof of name’s change if the name on the diploma no longer coincides with that in the identity document.
- Habilitation thesis.
- Habilitation thesis summary.
III. Validating the application
After submitting the file to UPB, it goes through the following steps:
- It is submitted to the Legal Office for legality approval.
- The verification of the fulfillment of the minimum habilitation standards is performed by a Committee of specialists appointed via UPB Rector’s Decision for the respective field of doctoral studies.
- It is endorsed by SD-ETTI which supplies:
- The Habilitation Commission proposal before the public defense of the thesis will take place, according to the model [link]. The committee consists of 3 full members and 2 alternate members, renowned specialists in the doctoral field targeted by the candidate, who hold the status of PhD supervisor and who are not in a situation of conflict of interests with the candidate. At least 2 members of the Habilitation Committee carry out their activity outside IOSUD – UPB and outside the institution the candidate comes from. The chairman of the committee is part of IOSUD – UPB. It is proposed by the SD-ETTI Doctoral School Council and then approved by CSUD – UPB.
- CVs of the Habilitation Committee members.
IV. Defending the thesis publicly
The public organization is made within maximum 90 days from the notification reception regarding the appointment of the proposed Habilitation Committee, by CNATDCU. Candidate information and details on the date and place of the public defending will be displayed on the webpages of SD-ETTI [link] and IOSUD – UPB [link]. The public defending is made either in Romanian or in another language of international circulation in front of all the members of the Habilitation Committee. In well-justified situations, with the approval of CSUD – UPB, at most one member of the committee can participate online, remotely. Defending involves the presentation by the candidate of the most relevant scientific achievements as well as career development prospects, followed by a session of questions and discussions. Following the defending, the Habilitation Committee draws up the evaluation report containing the acceptance or rejection proposal of the habilitation thesis, signed by all members of the committee, including by electronic means, as appropriate..
V. Obtaining the habilitation certificate
All the candidate’s information, including the defending report, is provided by UPB to CNATDCU for analysis and validation. CNATDCU organizes a committee of experts in the field of the habilitation thesis and validates the granting of the habilitation certificate to the candidate.
VI. Welcome to SD-ETTI!
After obtaining the habilitation certificate from CNATDCU and by Ministerial Order, the candidate may request his/her position, as PhD Supervisor, in the Doctoral School of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, with the approval of the Doctoral School Council and CSUD – UPB. The application form can be found here [link].