Type | Project | Coordination | Duration |
national | "A Massive MIMO Enabled IoT Platform with Network Slicing for Beyond 5G IoV/V2X and Maritime Services" (SOLID-B5G), owner University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, grant RO-NO-2019-0499 | leader | 2021-2024 |
national | "Platform Specialized in Identifying and Evaluating Early Warning Indices for Crisis Management" owner Ferdinand I Military Technical Academy, partners University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Soft Galaxy International, Marctel S.I.T., public beneficiary Protection and Guard Service, funded by UEFISCDI, Solutions Axis, grant 27SOL/2021 | partner | 2021-2023 |
national | "Identifying People in Video Streams using Silhouette Biometrics", owner University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, partners Softrust Vision Analytics, Romanian Ministry of National Defence — Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency, public beneficiary Romanian Intelligence Service, funded by UEFISCDI, Solutions Axis, grant 28SOL/2021 | leader | 2021-2023 |
national | "Identifying the Unusual Behavior of People in Video Streams", owner Ovidius University of Constanța, partners University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Softrust Vision Analytics, Ferdinand I Military Technical Academy, public beneficiary Romanian Intelligence Service, funded by UEFISCDI, Solutions Axis, grant 29SOL/2021 | partner | 2021-2023 |
national | "Explainable Deep Learning for Earth Observation" (xAI), owner University Politehnica of Bucharest, CEOSpaceTech, funded by CNCS - UEFISCDI, grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2120 | leader | 2021-2023 |
international | "A European Excellence Centre for Media, Society and Democracy", owner CERTH, Greece, axis H2020 ICT-48-2020 / Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres | partner | 2020-2024 |
international | "Multimodal Environmental Exploration Systems" owner University of Siegen, fundded by H2020, axis Marie Curie, grant H2020-EU.1.3.1. no 860370 | partner | 2020-2023 |
national | "Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies", owner Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologie, funded by UEFISCDI, axis H2020 award, grant no. 18/2020 | leader | 2020-2023 |
national | "Increasing the innovative competitiveness of SC Ad Net Market Media through initial innovation investments in order to achieve a SmartDelta technological platform, within a newly established unit for the realization of CD activities in effective collaboration", owner Invite Systems SRL, funded by POC, axis 1.2.1, grant ID/Cod MySMIS: 121884 | partner | 2020-2023 |
international | "Pollution identification, mapping and observation of ecosystems through unmanned surface vehicles that use artificial intelligence to monitor water quality", owner Universitatea Maritima din Constanta, funded by UEFISCDI, axis ERANET-MARTERA, grant PN-III-P3-3.6-H2020-2020-0051 | leader | 2020-2023 |
national | "Provision of health services in the programs of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and early treatment of precancerous colorectal lesions - ROCCAS II -Bucuresti-Ilfov.", owner Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila", POCU/757/4/9/136824 | partner | 2020-2023 |
national | "Intelligent system for substantiating decisions in the viticultural field" (DISAVIT), owner Beia Consult International | partner | 2020-2023 |
national | "Multimodal system for improving accessibility to multimedia documents dedicated to people with hearing impairments" SMART-VIEW, owner Universitatea Politehnica din București, funded by UEFISCDI, axis Tinere Echipe, grant PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0420 | leader | 2020-2022 |
national | "Enhancing Performances Of satellite-based positioning systems by reduction of atmospheric propagation effects", owner University Politehnica of Bucharest, funded by UEFISCDI, axis Tinere Echipe, grant PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1225 | leader | 2020-2022 |
national | "High temperature PTAT sensors with Schottky diodes on SIC for monitoring and security in hostile industrial environments", owner University Politehnica of Bucharest, funded by UEFISCDI, axis Proiect Experimental Demonstartiv, grant PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4339 | leader | 2020-2022 |
national | "Aerosol climatology – from remote sensing measurements to deep learning", owner Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Optoelectronica, funded by UEFISCDI, Axis Proiect Experimental Demonstrativ, grant PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-2278 | partner | 2020-2022 |
national | "Integrated EMG signal acquisition platform with artificial intelligence software toolkit", owner University Politehnica of Bucharest, funded by UEFISCDI, Axis Proiect Experimental Demonstrativ, grant PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-2392 | leader | 2020-2022 |
national | "Domain transfer learning for estimating the aesthetic value of an image", owner University Politehnica of Bucharest, funded by UEFISCDI, axis Tinere Echipe, grant PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0543 | leader | 2020-2022 |
national | "Multimodal Data Mining in Satellite Image Time Series for Earth Observation", owner University Politehnica of Bucharest, funded by UEFISCDI, Postdoctoral Research Axis, grant PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-0843 | leader | 2020-2022 |
national | "Enhancing and Improving Customer Experience and Services in Supermarkets via SMART Artificial Intelligence Powered Systems", owner Softrust Vision Analytics, funded by UEFISCDI, Industry Transfer Axis, grant PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2019-0055 | partner | 2020-2022 |
national | Virtual Guardian: Artificial Intelligence Powered Multi-Sensor System for Automatic Securing of Areas of Interest", owner Softrust Vision Analytics, funded by UEFISCDI, Industry Transfer Axis, grant PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2019-0570 | partner | 2020-2022 |
national | "Integration of pixel classification and imaging methods of data sets obtained by SHG microscopy with applications in thyroid pathology", owner University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1756 | leader | 2020-2022 |
international | "Enhancing labelling performance of S1 images of ocean and sea based on features extracted from SLC and detected SAR images using hybrid machine learning methods," beneficiary IFREMER L'Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer | leader | 2020-2021 |
national | "Machine Learning Techniques for Generating Network Traffic Data", owner University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, private funded research, funded by Keysight Technologies Romania | leader | 2020 |
international | "Financial Data Augmentation and Forecasting Using Advanced AI Techniques", owner "Politehnica" Research, Development and Innovation Institute, funded by Hana Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea | leader | 2020 |
national | "Operator Security Plan, Information and Communications Technology Sector, IT Security Infrastructures Subsector", owner Universitatea Națională de Apărare Carol I | partner | 2020 |
national | "Next Generation Internet Platform based on 5G and UAVs for precision agriculture" (NGI-UAV-AGRO), owner University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, funded by UEFISCDI, grant 461PED/2020 | leader | 2020 |
international | "Business Intelligence Enhanced Venue-agnostic Threat Management Platform for Citizens' Safety and Venue Resilience (BIE-T4S)" (HUBCAP), owner Aarhus University | partner | 2020 |
international | "MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems", owner Aarhus University, funded by H2020, axis Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks, grant H2020-EU.1.3.1. contract no. 861219 / 2019 | partner | 2019-2024 |
international | "Integrated Qubits Towards Future High-Temperature Silicon Quantum Computing Hardware Technologies", owner Univ. Aarhus (Dk), funded by H2020, axis H2020 FETOPEN, grant H2020-EU.1.2.1., grant no 829005 | partner | 2019-2023 |
Showing 1 to 30 of 112 entries
The projects are presented starting with 2016.