In accordance with Order no. 3200/2020 on the Methodology for the evaluation of doctoral studies and the systems of criteria, standards and performance indicators used for evaluation, as well as with the existent legislation for the public defence of a doctoral thesis (see the Legislation page [link]), to obtain the doctoral degree is necessary to complete the following steps:

I – Writing and completing the PhD thesis

  1. The PhD thesis. It presents in detail the directions of study approached and the main results obtained during the doctoral programme:
    • Can be written in Romanian or English; however, for visibility in the international community, it is recommended to write the thesis in English.
    • In accordance with the specified research directions, the doctoral student may request a change of the thesis title no later than 30 days before the start of the public defence procedure, based on a request according to the model [link].
    • Should be written following the writing guidelines and in accordance to the thesis model available both in Word [RO link or EN link] and Latex [RO link or EN link] formats.
    • Examples of defended doctoral theses can be found on the Romanian national theses library at the following address [link].
  2. Summary of the PhD thesis. It is a concise explanation of the main results of the thesis, with its principal purpose of being distributed in the scientific community:
    • Must be written both in Romanian and in English.
    • Should be written according to the writing guidelines and following the model available in both Word [RO link or EN link] and Latex [RO link or EN link].
  3. Half-page summary (abstract). It is a brief, A4, half-page length presentation of the main directions and results of the doctoral thesis.
    • Must be written both in Romanian and in English.
    • A model can be accessed here [link].
  4. PhD supervisor’s agreement for thesis defence. The PhD supervisor must give his/her informal agreement regarding the content and the written form of the doctoral thesis, before beginning the procedure for public defence.

II – Pre-defence of the PhD thesis

  1. Request for performing the similarity check (2 copies). The doctoral student registers at the SD-ETTI secretary office a request, approved by the PhD supervisor, for starting the similarity analysis procedures. A model for the document can be found here [link].
  2. Similarity check (1 copy). The PhD supervisor, in the presence of the doctoral student, performs the similarity analysis of the doctoral thesis using the Turnitin program [link]. The result will be exported to a PDF file which must contain the title of the thesis, the name of the doctoral student and the similarities found, according to the following model [link].
  3. Similarity analysis report (2 copies). The PhD supervisor prepares the similarity report of the analysed PhD thesis. In the report, the results of the Turnitin analysis are commented and it should also contain a statement/resolution on the originality of the thesis content. Moreover, the report shall contain as an annex, where applicable, the sources excluded from the similarity analysis and the complete justification. A model can be found here [link]. The date of this verification should not exceed 30 days from the date of the request submission, according to point II.1.
  4. Defence in the Department. A presentation of the doctoral thesis is scheduled and carried out in the Department of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology where the PhD supervisor is affiliated, and in front of the Guidance Committee.
  5. Department’s approval for defence (1 copy). Following the presentation in the faculty’s Department and with the presence of the Advisory Committee, a meeting minute will be made, in which the agreement/disagreement for public defence of the thesis is explicitly mentioned. A model can be found here [link].
  6. Advisory Committee’s approval for defence (2 copies). Also, following the presentation in front of the faculty’s Department and the Advisory Committee, a second meeting minute should include the report of the Advisory Committee, in which the agreement/disagreement for public defence of the doctoral thesis is explicitly mentioned. The minute should be signed by all committee members. A model can be found here [link].
  7. Thesis’s revision. The PhD thesis will be modified following the suggestions and observations received from the Department and Advisory Committee members. Points II.2 and II.3 of the current thread will be repeated with a reiterated similarity analysis check. The latest report will be included. The standpoints of the PhD supervisor and of the Advisory Committee will be renewed and included in their final form.

III – Documents submission for approval of public defence

  1. Documents submission to the SD-ETTI secretary office. The doctoral student must submit to the SD-ETTI secretary office the following documents:
    1. A request for performing the similarity analysis check (see II.1, 2 copies).
    2. Turnitin similarity analysis reports (see II.2, in electronic format).
    3. Reports of the PhD supervisor accompanying the Turnitin similarity analysis along with their annexes (see II.3, 2 copies).
    4. Department’s approval statement (see II.5, 1 copy).
    5. Advisory Committee’s approval statement (see II.6, 2 copies).
    6. PhD supervisor proposal for the composition of the PhD Defence Committee for the public defence [link] (2 copies). The PhD Defense Committee should be composed of 5 members (for cotutelle theses, the PhD Defense Committee will be composed as requested by the cotutelle agreement):
      1. The President of the PhD Defense Committee being the SD-ETTI Director or another member from the CSD (see CSD composition here [link]).
      2. The PhD Supervisor(s).
      3. At least 2 members from outside IOSUD – UPB, recognized specialists in the field of research of the doctoral thesis.
      4. One member from IOSUD – UPB.
  2. SD-ETTI validation. The documents are validated by the doctoral school and sent to IOSUD - UPB for obtaining the approval of the PhD Defence Committee by the UPB Senate.

IV – Documents submission before the public defence

The PhD student prepares the final package of documents for the public defence, which is submitted to the SD-ETTI secretary office at least 20 calendar days before the public defence. It consists of:

[personal documents]

  1. Copies certified as being according to the original by the SD-ETTI secretary office for the following documents:
    1. Baccalaureate diploma or equivalent.
    2. University degrees diplomas (bachelor’s degree and advanced studies/master’s degree) or equivalents, accompanied by their annexes (transcripts or, if applicable, supplements to the respective diplomas).
    3. Birth certificate.
    4. In case of name change, the administrative document attesting the change (marriage certificate, court decision of name change, etc.).
    5. Identity card.
  2. Copy of receipt regarding the payment of the fee for the defence of the doctoral thesis (when applicable).

[PhD administrative documents]

  1. Decision of admission to the doctoral study program.
  2. The contract of doctoral studies and any additional documents to the contract (as the case may be).
  3. Written request for performing the similarity analysis check (see II.1, 2 copies).
  4. Similarity analysis reports from the PhD supervisor along with any annexes (see II.3, 2 copies).
  5. Written approval statement of the PhD supervisor for thesis defence (2 copies).
  6. Department’s approval statement for thesis defence (see II.5, 1 copy).
  7. Advisory committee’s approval statement for thesis defence (see II.6, 2 copies).
  8. SD-ETTI report attesting the completion of all stages of the Advanced Training Program and the Scientific Research Program, accompanied by specific documents, according to the following model [link] (2 exemplare).
  9. Written declaration from the doctoral student and the PhD supervisor regarding the assumption of responsibility in assuring the originality content of the doctoral thesis, as well as quality and professional ethics standards, as according to Art. 143, par. (4) and Art. 170 of the National Education Law no. 1/2011, with subsequent amendments and completions, and of Art. 65, para. (5) - (7) of the Code of Doctoral Studies, approved by H.G. no. 681/2011, with subsequent amendments and completions. Please use the following model [link] (2 copies).
  10. Written statement regarding the doctoral student’s option for publication of the doctoral thesis on the national platform, in accordance with the regulations of H.G. no. 681/2011 on the Code of Doctoral Studies, with subsequent amendments and completions. Please use the following model [link] (2 copies).
  11. Proposal for the composition of the PhD Defence Committee for the public defence, composed by the PhD supervisor/principal PhD supervisor (for cotutelles) and approved by CSD and CSUD (see III.1.f., 2 copies)
  12. Decision of the UPB Senate for the componence of the PhD Defence Committee.
  13. Reports of official referrers, members of the PhD Defence Committee (2 copies).
  14. The request for setting the date of public defence of the doctoral thesis, approved by the PhD Supervisor, by the Director of SD-ETTI and by the President of the PhD Defence Committee and approved by the Director of CSUD - UPB, as according to the following model [link] (2 copies). The date of public defence must be at least 20 calendar days after the date of obtaining the UPB Senate Decision on the approval of the public defence PhD Defence Committee componence.
  15. The doctoral student’s application for the issuance of the PhD diploma (also signed by the PhD supervisor), according to the following model [link] (1 copy).

[PhD thesis]

  1. The PhD student transmits to the UPB Library [link], within at least 20 days before the approved date of the public defence, a printed copy of the doctoral thesis, accompanied by a CD/DVD with both the thesis and the half-page abstract (see I.3) in electronic PDF format (editable, not scanned). The PhD student will receive a certificate attesting the submission which should be added with the dossier of requested documents.
  2. Doctoral thesis and annexes, with covers in final form (see I.1, 2 copies).
  3. Half-page summary (abstract) in Romanian and English (see I.3, 1 copy).
  4. Summary of the doctoral thesis in Romanian (see I.2, 1 copy).
  5. Summary of the doctoral thesis in English (see I.2, 1 copy).
  6. Two CDs/DVDs containing the following PDF files:
    1. Doctoral thesis and annexes (file: surname_name_thesis.pdf).
    2. Summary of the doctoral thesis in Romanian (see I.2, file: surname_name_summary_RO.pdf).
    3. Summary of the doctoral thesis in English (see I.2, file: surname_name_summary_EN.pdf).
    4. CV of the PhD student with signatures on every page and without signatures (files: surname_name_CV_signed.pdf and surname_name_CV_unsigned.pdf).
    5. CV of each member of the PhD Defence Committee, with holder’s signatures on each page and without signatures (files: surname_name_CV_signed.pdf and surname_name_CV_unsigned.pdf).
    6. List of the PhD student’s articles resulting during the doctoral studies, published or accepted for publication, signed on each page by him/herself and the PhD supervisor (file: surname_name_list_of_papers.pdf).
    7. Scanned copies of the doctoral student’s articles/communications resulting from the scientific research done during the doctoral program, published or accepted for publication (files: surname_name_art1.pdf, surname_name_art2.pdf, … , surname_name_artN.pdf). The numbering should correspond to the one from the list from entry 21.f.
    8. Turnitin similarity analysis (see II.2, file: surname_name_Turnitin.pdf).
    9. Similarity report(s) and annex(es) prepared by the PhD supervisor (see II.3, file: surname_name_Turnitin_PhD_supervisor.pdf).
  7. One CD/DVD containing the following PDF files:
    1. Doctoral thesis and annexes (file surname_name_thesis.pdf).
    2. Half-page summary (abstract) in Romanian and English (file surname_name_abstract.pdf)..

[Public information]

  1. After the approval by the CSUD - UPB of the request for public defence of the doctoral thesis, the UPB’s Doctoral Office will display the announcement on the UPB website [link] by at least 20 days before the date of the defence. The announcement will also be displayed on the SD-ETTI website [link].

V – Thesis defence

  1. Assessments of the doctoral thesis. On the day of the public defence, the PhD student will submit to the SD-ETTI secretary office, in 2 copies, the assessments from members of the academic community on the content of the doctoral thesis, assessments usually based on the PhD thesis summary.
  2. Public defence of the doctoral thesis: The doctoral thesis is defended in a public meeting before the PhD Defence Committee, at the date and time established and announced publicly on the web page of SD-ETTI and UPB:
    • The presentation can be given in English, especially if there are non-speaking Romanian members within the PhD Defence Committee.
    • The presentation of the doctoral student lasts 40 minutes and is followed by a session of questions related to the content and presentation of the doctoral thesis.
  3. Rating of the doctoral thesis. The PhD thesis may receive a rating from the ones below: ”Excellent”, “Very Good”, “Good”, “Satisfactory”, “Unsatisfactory”. The rating is voted by the PhD Defence Committee, based on the following criterions and information:
    • Scientific relevance.
    • The potential impact of the results from the thesis and the extent to which the thesis makes substantial contributions to knowledge.
    • Originality and innovative/creative character and the extent to which the doctoral student demonstrates independent critical thinking skills.
    • The extent to which the doctoral student has used research methods and methodologies appropriately.
    • The extent to which the way of presenting the information in the thesis is appropriate.
    • The extent to which the doctoral student demonstrates an understanding of and familiarity with the relevant literature in the field. .
    • The extent to which the results presented in the thesis have been published or accepted for publication, following evaluation by external evaluators (“peer review”), or are the basis for patent applications or the extent to which the results presented in the thesis have the potential to be published in this way or to be applied (see SD-ETTI Regulations [link]).
    • Compliance with a good conduct in his/her activities of research and development.
    • Compliance with professional ethics standards, including those regarding plagiarism, in the thesis and/or related activities.
    • The public presentation of the thesis and the answers to the questions from the members of the PhD Defence Committee.
    • Observations from the reports of the scientific referees.
    • In the case providing an “Unsatisfactory” rating, the members of the PhD Defence Committee should specify the parts of the thesis which need to be redone or completed and in order to organize a new public defence.
  4. Minutes of the thesis defence. Following the defence and awarding of the rating/qualification, the minutes of the PhD defence are prepared, to which are attached the questions of the commission and the answers offered by the doctoral student, and the approval/disapproval for awarding the doctoral degree, signed by all members of the PhD Defence Committee, following the model from here [link].
  5. Awarding the PhD Degree:
    • If the thesis obtained one of the grades “Excellent”, “Very good”, “Good”, “Satisfactory” then the proposal for granting the doctorate title is submitted to CNATDCU, for validation.
    • The doctoral title is awarded by order of the Minister of National Education after the validation of the doctoral thesis by CNATDCU.
    • Based on the ministerial order, IOSUD - UPB awards the diploma and title of Doctor of Engineering Sciences, specialization of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications (for doctoral students admitted until 2014), respectively Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technologies (for doctoral students admitted from year 2015).
    • The diploma is issued to the doctoral student based on the specific request submitted along with the other documents before the public defence (see IV.17).